If you were asked to recite word-for-word the lyrics of ‘Living on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi, chances are you would recall the chorus and that’s about it.
In order to sing the timeless rock song from start to finish without errors, you would need to practice – repeatedly until you had it down pat.
The same thing goes when using public relations to build a brand. You need to invest in it continuously over a period of time – usually six months to twelve months– to see real results. You can’t just craft one media release, land a story in your local newspaper and expect the readers to remember your business name for years to come.
In order to imprint your business name in the minds of audiences far and wide, you need to invest in PR as a long-term strategy, not a one-time tool. Here are some important reasons why:
Defining and refining your key messages will take time
The single most important thing when creating a strategy to promote your brand is to develop strong and clear key messages – and this can take time. Brands that stand out and thrive revisit and refine their messaging regularly to ensure they are on point with what they are saying and how. Your key messages will underpin all communications used to achieve the desired outcomes of your ongoing public relations strategy, and will provide the basis for responses supplied to the media and used on social media.
Your key message may also be subject to change as your industry changes. For example, if you are a financial business and the economy plunges, you may have to adapt your business plan to align with these changes. Therefore, your key messages may also need to change in order to achieve a new desired outcome from your PR.
Your brand needs to engage with the media
It is a great idea is to contract a PR team to utilise their reach and experience to get your coverage in the media. Developing direct media relationships can take you away from what you do best and at times put you in situations you are unprepared for which can be damaging for your brand.
At Profiler PR we are a go-to contact for journalists seeking content for news stories and we can help ensure you are featured in the right way in the best media for your business.
As your business grows, so too will its need for news coverage
Apple didn’t stop after the release of its first iPhone, and your business likely won’t come to a halt after your first product or service launch. You will continue to grow and expand, increasing operations and potentially expand beyond your current capacity. This is the ultimate goal as a business, right? That being said, you can’t just promote your first product in the media and expect everyone to know about your brand. You need to continuously feature your product in the media to grow your customer base and continue generating profits. That being said, you need to constantly invest in your PR strategy and execution in order to achieve those results. With each new product or service, or new initiative launched by your business, there is a fresh opportunity to secure media coverage and boost brand awareness among audiences far and wide. And the only way to achieve this is to employ public relations strategies – whether that is by crafting a media release to send to journalists, hosting a PR event or stunt, or using social media as a tool to share your new ideas, new products and new services.
Invest time in the right PR and you will reap the rewards
As they say Rome wasn’t built in a day and similarly, achieving profile for your business cannot be done by using public relations just once. In order to land coverage in news outlets on a consistent basis, and in turn imprint the image of your brand in the minds of your target audiences, invest in a consistent, long-term PR strategy. We recommend at least six to twelve months.
For more information about how we can help you build a successful PR strategy and put you in a position to shine in the media, contact us today via hello@profilerpr.com.au